Wing Bank works with Heartprint to provide food relief to 111 Siem Reap families.

March 3, 2022


Wing Bank Supports Siem Reap Based Charity Organization to Help Needy Communities

Wing Bank works with Heartprint to provide food relief to 111 Siem Reap families.

Wing Bank, the bank for every Cambodian, has partnered with Heartprint, an Australian charity organization, to donate food to vulnerable families in Siem Reap province.

In total, 111 families have been assisted by Heartprint, and these efforts have been supported by the Wing Bank donation which includes rice, food staples, and hygiene supplies.

Teap Sophy, 47 years old, is just one of the women who benefited from Wing Bank donation. Sophy lost her husband four years ago, she has four children and lives with a chronic disease. Living in Svay Dangkum Commune, Siem Reap, her primary source of income is vegetable harvesting from a nearby village forest.

“Since Covid-19, it was hard to sell my vegetables at the market since people were fear of pandemic. I came back home with the remaining vegetables. That’s why I could not earn a good income,” said Sophy. “Through Heartprint, the support from Wing Bank helped put food on the table during this difficult time. I feel better and more secure. Thank you, Wing Bank, for your help!”, she said.

“Wing Bank is able to grow mainly due to the strong support from our Cambodian customers and community members over the past 13 years since we started our business. To give back to the communities we serve, we place special care on those in vulnerable positions. We were thrilled to hear that our food relief program could help families in these challenging times.”, said Han Peng Kwang, CEO of Wing Bank.

Through the donation, Wing Bank has been supporting Heartprint to carry out its crucial activities from November 2021 to April 2022.

“Due to Covid 19, families are struggling. The donation of Wing Bank allows those families to escape extreme poverty and helps Heartprint extend our services to those families most desperately in need,” said, Wendy O’Brien, General Manager of Heartprint.

Established in 2005, Heartprint is an Australian NGO providing education support, food relief, housing, job opportunities, as well as critical infrastructures such as wells and toilets. They provide this support to vulnerable families to allow them hope, dignity, and the opportunity for a brighter future.

With a vision to provide financial services to improve the daily lives of every Cambodian, Wing Bank has supported children, youth, women, and SMEs through several corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. This includes working with Smile Cambodia, Buddhism for Social Development Action (BSDA), M’Lop Tapang, and the Full Gospel Assembly Child Care Center Cambodia (FGACCC). In addition, Wing has supported the Kantha Bopha Children’s Hospital, the Angkor Hospital for Children, and conducted activities to promote financial literacy for women & Cambodian owned SMEs.

Wing Bank also commits to extending its capability to help vulnerable communities throughout the country. Globally, the trend is emerging where companies must do more than simply offer services to their customers – they must also give back to the communities they serve – and Wing Bank will continue to find novel & innovative new ways to do this.