
Wing Exchange Rates

Our foreign currency exchange rate allows you to get up-to-date buy and sell rates for selected major currencies. Please note that the rates are indicative and should be used for informational purposes only.
Please call +855 23 999 989 for further details.

Currency Pair Bank Buy Bank Sell
USD/KHR 4098 4,116
EUR/USD 1.0636 1.1070
AUD/USD 0.6429 0.6691
NZD/USD 0.5782 0.6018
GBP/USD 1.2610 1.3124
USD/SGD 1.3167 1.3705
USD/MYR 4.6231 4.8119
USD/THB 35.34 36.78
USD/VND 24770 25782
USD/HKD 7.6500 7.9622
USD/JPY 151.04 157.20
USD/CAD 1.354 1.4092
USD/CNY 7.1220 7.4126
USD/CHF 0.8652 0.9006
USD/PHP 57.24 59.58
Exchange Rates Calculator

1 USD = 4,116.00 KHR

  • Updated as of: 26 Jul 2024
  • The above rates are for the indicative purpose only and subject to change without prior notice.
  • For remittance transactions in any currency which is not listed above, you are encouraged to contact
    +855 23 999 989 or visit any nearby branch for details.
Currency Pair Bank Sell
USD/THB 35.62
USD/VND 25,017.30
USD/PHP 57.82
USD/CNY 7.1797
USD/KRW 1,368.64
  • Updated as of: 26 Jul 2024
  • For any currency which is not listed above, you are encouraged to contact +855 23 999 989 or visit any nearby branch for details.