
Wing Bank provides a more convenient way for investors who have trading accounts at the Royal Group Securities Plc. to link their trading accounts to their Wing Bank accounts directly via the Wing Bank app. This allows them to access and manage their trading accounts and transfer money between their accounts instantly and securely. 


Free transfers between your trading account and your Wing Bank account.

Easy access to your trading account through the Wing Bank app.

The ability to transfer money to your trading account and withdraw money from your trading account anywhere using the Wing Bank app.

How to link Trading Account with Wing Bank App

international Money Transfers phone
  1. Go to the Wing Bank app
  2. Tap on "Local Transfer"
  3. Select "Trading Account"
  4. Select "Securities Firm" (which you have opened a trading account)
  5. Complete all the required info then click "Link"
  6. Verify the Trading Account info then click "Confirm"
  7. You have successfully linked trading account.

How to transfer money from Wing Bank Account to Trading Account

  1. Login to Wing Bank App
  2. Go to "Local Transfer"
  3. Select "Trading Account"
  4. Select "Securities Firm"
  5. Select "Transfer to Trading account"
  6. Input Amount and Click "Send"
  7. Verify account number and Amount and Click "Confirm"
  8. Enter Pin Code
  9. You have successfully transferred to Trading Account.

How to transfer money from Trading Account to Wing Bank Account

  1. Login to Wing Bank App
  2. Go to "Local Transfer"
  3. Select "Trading Account"
  4. Select "Securities Firm"
  5. Select "Transfer from Trading account"
  6. Input Amount and Click "Send"
  7. Verify account number and Amount and Click "Confirm"
  8. Enter Pin Code
  9. You have successfully transferred to Wing Bank Account.

How can we help you?


For more information, please visit the nearest Wing Bank Branch



  • 1. Can I open a trading account through the Wing Bank App?

    You cannot open a trading account through the Wing Bank App. You need to open a trading account with a securities company first and then link the trading account to the Wing Bank account through the Wing Bank App.
  • 2. Can I transfer money from the Wing USD account to the trading account?

    Yes, you can transfer money from the Wing USD account to the trading account based on the Wing Bank daily exchange rate.
  • 3. Can I buy and sell securities using the Wing Bank App?

    No, you cannot buy and sell securities using the Wing Bank App. You can only purchase securities through the CSX Trade App.
  • 4. Can I link my Wing account with the trading account through the Wing Bank App?

    No, you cannot link your Wing account with the trading account through the Wing Bank App yet. You need to go to the securities company to link the accounts first.
  • 5. Can I withdraw money from the trading account after trading hours?

    No, you can only withdraw money from the trading account during trading hours.
  • 6. Is there a fee for withdrawing or depositing money from a trading account?

    There is no fee for withdrawing or depositing money from a trading account.
  • 7. Are there any other securities companies available on the Wing Bank App?

    Currently, only Royal Group Securities PLC is available on the Wing Bank App. However, more securities companies may be added in the future.
  • 8. Can I find trading information and trading fees on the Wing Bank App?

    No, you cannot find trading information and trading fees on the Wing Bank App. You can find the information on the websites of the Stock Exchange and the securities company.